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Autism Resources

Click here to access: Social Story to Explain Coronavirus

Click here to access:  Free Audiobooks for Kids

Click here to access:  PBS Learning Media

Click here to access:  Everyday Parenting: The ABCs of Child Rearing

Click here to access:  Everyday Parenting: Praise Technique

Click here to access:  Autism Center of Excellence

Click here to access:  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Click here to access:  Autism Focused Intervention Resources & Modules

Click here to access:  CAPTAIN - California Autism Professional Training and Information Network

Click here to access:  Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope Wtih the Coronavirus Disease 2019

Click here to access:  Free COVID-19 Toolkit

Click here to access:  Monarch Center for Autism Webinars



  • Autism Coordinator:   Gwen Riley
  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst:  Tara Boland
  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst: Samantha Sellars
  • Autism Specialist: Alba Pineda
  • School Psychologist: 
  • Lead Autism Behavior Intervention Assistant: Diana Bloom
  • Lead Autism Behavior Intervention Assistant: Myhanh Chang


The Temecula Valley USD offers an array of supports and programs for students on the Autism Spectrum.  The Autism team partners with both CAPTAIN and the Region 10 Autism Committee to ensure that TVUSD’s Autism supports and programs align with evidence-based practices in the field.  

In the educational setting, students with an educational classification of Autism have access to all available direct and related services, based on their individual areas of need and agreed upon IEP.  Additional support may be provided by the Autism Department as deemed appropriate by the IEP team and can include, but is not limited to, observation, assessment, direct service, and several types of consultation/ collaboration which may involve staff training.  The TVUSD Autism Team prides itself in supporting service delivery that is data-driven and evidence-based.

Students with an educational classification of Autism are served throughout the District’s various programs from General Education to separate classroom settings.  However, TVUSD has developed several programs that are specifically designed to support students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, as follows:

  • Structured Teaching Environments Promoting Student Success (STEPSS)
    The STEPSS program is geared towards serving students within the K-12 continuum.  The program is based upon the provision of a highly structured center for learning, which incorporates the use of evidence-based practices as outlined in the National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders’ criteria for research-based intervention.  STEPSS staff and service providers utilize an integrated model of instructional strategies and practices that are evidenced-based, for students requiring an intensive-level of intervention, within a separate classroom environment. Instructional strategies focus on behavior reduction and skill acquisition using the foundations of applied behavior analysis (including systematic prompting procedures, chaining, shaping, fading, and reinforcement schedules/procedures), coupled with varied evidence-based practices.  These strategies are targeted at improving student communication, social skills, behavioral regulation, sensory integration, adaptive/daily living, and functional academic and social skills.  Implementation of these strategies are paired with systems for data collection and analysis, in order to monitor for efficacy. 

  • Linking Emerging Adults Preparing for Success (LEAPS)
    The LEAPS program is geared towards serving students within the 18-22 age group, and is focused on preparing students for post-school transition.  The program is based upon the provision of a highly structured center for learning, which incorporates the use of evidence-based practices as outlined in the National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders’ criteria for research-based intervention.  LEAPS staff and service providers utilize an integrated model of instructional strategies and practices that are evidenced-based, for students requiring an intensive-level of intervention, within a separate classroom environment.  Instructional strategies focus on behavior reduction and skill acquisition using the foundations of applied behavior analysis (including systematic prompting procedures, chaining, shaping, fading, and reinforcement schedules/procedures), coupled with varied evidence-based practices.  These strategies are targeted at improving student communication, social skills, behavioral regulation, sensory integration, adaptive/daily living, and  functional academic and vocational skills.  Implementation of these strategies are paired with systems for data collection and analysis, in order to monitor for efficacy.  

  • Building Lives of Opportunity and Motivation (BLOOM)
    ​​​​​​​The BLOOM Academy is a program geared towards serving students within the 6-12 continuum.  The BLOOM Academy was designed to meet the needs of those students participating in an academic course of study, and who demonstrate characteristics of Autism and/or related disorders with low support needs.  The program is based upon the provision of highly-structured supports with a focus on explicit instruction in social skills, social communication, self-management, and executive functioning skills within a separate classroom environment, paired with systematic and supported opportunities for generalization within multiple naturalistic environments.  Instructional strategies focus on behavior reduction and skill acquisition using the foundations of applied behavior analysis (including systematic prompting procedures, chaining, shaping, fading, and reinforcement schedules/procedures), coupled with varied evidence-based practices and explicit instruction in social skills, social communication, self-management, and executive functioning.  Implementation of these strategies are paired with systems for data collection and analysis, in order to monitor for efficacy and are applied in such a way that opportunities for generalization of skills are maximized.  Staff is specially trained in the facilitation of social skills and communication in addition to supported de-escalation strategies.


  • TVUSD is proud to partner with the California Autism Professional Training and Information Network (CAPTAIN).  CAPTAIN is a multiagency network developed to support the understanding and use of Evidence Based Practices for individuals affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder across the state, and is focused on the following initiatives:

    • Providing statewide trainings and Resources on Evidence Based Practices (EBPs) for Autism
    • Providing ongoing support, Training, and Technical Assistance in the IMplementation of EBPs
    • Supporting the Development of Local Multi-Agency Collaboratives to support the Consistent use of EBPs
    • Providing Web-Based Access to Materials and Resources that are Vetted and Align with EBPs

    More information on CAPTAIN, can be found at their website:  Click here to go to CAPTAIN web site