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Tdap Booster/Varicella Vaccination Required for Incoming 7th graders

*No Shots *No Schedule *No School

All 6th Grade students entering 7th grade during the 2024/2025 school year are required by law to provide proof of a Tdap booster and 2 doses of Varicella vaccinations.  Please bring, fax or email your immunization record to the health office, preferably before registration day.  Students that do not have the vaccinations or medical exemption must obtain them before starting school in August 2024.  To save you time and confusion on the day of registration, it would be best to try and get the records to the health office before.  Should you have any questions, please refer them to Sara Farias, LVN, or Brittany Bither, RN, in the TMS Health Office, phone 951-302-5151 Ext. 34008, fax 951-302-5160.