Visitors on Campus - Raptor Check-In System
All Campus Visitors Are Required to Sign In at the School Office
The Temecula Valley Unified School District considers the safety of our students and staff a top priority. This year (spring 2019), we added a visitor management system to all of our campuses. Knowing who is on the campus and having an orderly check-in/out process is a key component of providing a safe environment on our school campuses. After careful consideration, we are pleased to announce that we will be using Raptor Technologies as our visitor management system.
Visitors to our campuses will be asked for a government-issued ID, such as a driver’s license, military ID card, Permanent Resident Card or passport. The ID will be scanned and using the visitors’ name and date of birth, an electronic check will be made against the National Sex Offender Data Base. Once the visitor is cleared, a visitor badge, which includes the name, destination on campus, and a picture of the visitor will be printed and must be worn while on campus. A new visitor’s pass will be required each time an individual visits one of the District’s campuses.
Raptor Letters and FAQ's - English and Spanish
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the Raptor system?
- How does Raptor work?
- Why is TVUSD using this system?
- Does the School/District have the right to require visitors, even parents, to produce identification before entering the school?
- What types of IDs will work in Raptor?
- What other information is the school taking from driver’s licenses?
- What does a visitor do if he/she does not have a government-issued ID?
- Is an ID card scan necessary each time a person comes in the building?
- What visitor information is stored in the Raptor database?
- What is the checkout process for Visitors leaving the building?
- Will the Raptor System be used for after-school activities?
- Do vendors and contractors need to be scanned with the Raptor system?
- Will the district scan police officers, firefighters, and other uniformed or similar governmental officials into the system?
- Are there less invasive ways to track visitors, who are usually moms, dads, and grandparents, without requiring them to scan their driver’s license to gain access to one of our public school buildings?
- How does Raptor keep its database up to date?
- Who owns the data?
- Is the system data secure?
- Privacy of Information