FAQ - Interdistrict In (from another district to TVUSD)
Frequently Asked Questions: Interdistrict Transfers
There is an online portion that must be completed for students who are not currently enrolled with TVUSD, which is Step 1 of the transfer request process, HERE. However, most districts do not have their Attendance Permit forms (Step 2A of the process) online. Nonetheless, we suggest contacting your district of residence to find out.
Click here to access the Murrieta Valley Unified School District's online form via their website. Please be sure that your address falls within the Murrieta School District's boundary, by double-checking this on their school locator here.
The priority deadline for the submission of Interdistrict Transfer Requests is 30 days before the start of the school year. Please keep in mind, however, that requests are reviewed in the order they are received, and are based on space availability at one of our schools and in the grade and/or program requested. Therefore, the sooner they are submitted, the better.
Requests received within 30 days of the start of the school year, or after, will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
YES, a transfer request must be submitted for every school year up until the 10th grade for most districts.
Currently, these must be renewed every year for grades Kindergarten through 10th, for all districts, except:
- Murrieta Valley Unified School District
- All school districts within San Diego County
As of the 22-23 school year, students from these districts will be approved for an entire grade span (elementary, middle or high) and will only need to submit renewal requests for middle school (6th grade) and high school (9th grade).
All other districts must continue to submit yearly renewal requests up until, and including, 10th grade.
Interdistrict Transfer requests are received as of mid-January before the start of the new school year.
NOTE: If a student from completes 10th or 11th grade on June 30th on an Interdistrict Transfer from any district, no additional transfer request renewals need to be submitted. They will be allowed to stay until the end of 12th grade.
No, you must have an Interdistrict Attendance Permit approved by both your district of residence AND the Temecula School District, before you can enroll your child in our district.
DO NOT disenroll your child from your district of residence until you have received an Interdistrict Transfer approval from TVUSD.
No, you must have received the Interdistrict Transfer approval from both your district of residence AND TVUSD before you can proceed to enroll your child in our district. DO NOT disenroll your child from your district of residence until you have received both of these.