Information Regarding Transfers
Temecula Valley Unified School District is committed to offering families choices that provide the best educational fit for their children. To be eligible for a transfer, students must demonstrate satisfactory attendance, behavior, and academic effort/progress toward graduation. This page explains the wide variety of transfers parents may apply for if they feel a special program or school other than their child’s home school is a better fit for their child.
Intradistrict Transfers
- Intradistrict Transfers (For Residents of TVUSD - New Requests to a Different School/Not Your Zoned School)
- Updates & Important Notices
Intradistrict Transfers (For Residents of TVUSD - New Requests to a Different School/Not Your Zoned School)
2025/2026 Intradistrict Transfer Open Enrollment Window is now closed
You can submit a Waitlist request using the link below.
Transfer requests submitted AFTER the Open Enrollment period will held for future consideration. Parents/Guardians will NOT be notified unless space becomes available for the transfer to be approved from the Wait List. If you are not contacted by the third week after school starts, it will mean we were unable to approve your transfer request, and we will no longer move students.
Parents should plan on attending their school of residence, or other previously-approved school, unless they receive notification that their transfer request is approved.
Important Details
- Submission Deadline: The window opened on Monday, October 14, 2024, and cloased on January 31, 2025.
- Continuing Transfers: If your child is already on an approved transfer and will continue to attend the same school during the 2025/2026 school year, there's no need to submit a new transfer request. New requests are only required if you wish to change schools.
- New Transfers: If you would like your child to attend a school other than your school of residence based on your current address, please be sure to submit a transfer request during the Open Enrollment Transfer Window.
- Transitioning to Middle and/or High School: The transition from elementary to middle school and/or from middle school to high school is not based on a previous/current school of attendance; it is solely based on primary residence address. If you plan on having your child attend a middle school or high school other than your school of residence, be sure to submit a transfer request prior to January 31, 2025.
- New to/or not currently attending a TVUSD School: You may submit a transfer request during the Open Enrollment Window for the 2025/2026 school year even if your child is not currently enrolled in a TVUSD school. If your child is new to TVUSD during the 2025/2026 school year, additional eligibility information must be submitted (after the first semester report card).
- Equal Consideration: All timely submissions received during the Open Enrollment Transfer Window will be given equal consideration. Consideration will be based on space availability at the requested school and meeting the District’s transfer eligibility criteria.
- We anticipate notifying parents/guardians of the transfer decision, either by email or by mail, using the addresses provided on the application, no later than May 2025.
To submit a Waitlist Intradistrict Transfer request for the 2025/2026 school year, please click here.
INTRADISTRICT TRANSFERS for the 2024/2025 school year are currently closed.
Updates & Important Notices
For Residents of TVUSD - New Requests to a Different School (not your zoned school)
2024/25 school year: No Longer Accepting requests
2025/26 school year: The Open Enrollment Window for Intradistrict Transfers for the 2025 - 2026 will begin on Monday, October 14, 2024.
In accordance with Board Policy 5116.1, the Temecula Valley Unified School District will accept Open Enrollment Intradistrict Transfer Requests to a different school from October 16, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. to January 31, 2024, at midnight. These requests will receive equal priority consideration, regardless of the date submitted within the window, and responses for these will be sent by the end of May 2024.
Intradistrict Transfer Requests submitted from February 1 to August 30, 2024, will be held for waitlist consideration. Parents/guardians will NOT receive a response, unless space becomes available for their request to be approved.
Parents are advised to plan on attending their zoned school, or previously-approved school, unless they are notified otherwise.
► You may NOT receive a response in time for cheerleading or sports try-outs, early course selections, early BASES enrollment, or other programs/activities.
► We will NOT have status updates until responses are sent, which is:
- By the end of May, for requests submitted within the Open Enrollment window
- Only IF we are able to approve your request from the Waitlist
If you have not been contacted by the third week after the start of school, then we were unable to approve your request from the Waitlist.
► Once students move on to middle or high school, they will be automatically enrolled at their zoned school based on their address. If we are unable to approve your transfer request to a different school for middle or high school, your child will attend school with different peers at his or her zoned school.
► Transfer requests are NOT guaranteed. Parents should plan on attending their zoned school, unless they receive an approval.
DO NOT SUBMIT IF: (These will NOT be processed)
• You are already attending your zoned school and move to another TVUSD school's boundary
Contact your current school instead. If they are on break, contact them upon their return.
(If you are scheduled to attend your zoned school and move to another TVUSD school's boundary before attending, submit your transfer request via the link below)
• You want to attend your zoned school based on your address
Contact your current school instead
• Your child is already on an approved Intradistrict Transfer to the school you are requesting
These are valid for all grades at the same elementary, middle or high school, as long as you continue to live within TVUSD
• Your child will be a TK student for 2024/25
We do NOT offer transfers for TK students. Contact the Centralized Enrollment Center instead for placement.
• You already submitted a request for 2024/25
For changes or corrections, email transfers@tvusd instead. Do not submit twice.
CURRENTLY CLOSED CLICK HERE to submit your Intradistrict Transfer request, per the Timeline for submissions & responses below For the next [2024/25] school year Students NOT currently enrolled in TVUSD and entering grades 1 to 12 are required to submit a copy of their following most recent reports:
Please email these together in one email to for the transfer request to be complete. A copy of your online submission will be sent to the email provided (please check your spam folder) |
Between schools - for residents of TVUSD
Please click here to be redirected to an interactive school of residence ("home school") locator.
For transfer requests submitted DURING the Open Enrollment period, official notifications will be sent via email by the end of May, at the latest.
Transfer requests submitted AFTER the Open Enrollment period will held for future consideration. Parents/Guardians will NOT be notified unless space becomes available for the transfer to be approved from the Wait List. If you are not contacted by the third week after school starts, it will mean we were unable to approve your transfer request, and we will no longer move students.
Parents should plan on attending their school of residence, or other previously-approved school, unless they receive notification that their transfer request is approved.
NO, once an Intradistrict Transfer is approved, it is valid for all grades at the same school, as long as you continue to live within the TVUSD attendance boundary, your child is continuously enrolled, and your child has satisfactory attendance, citizenship and scholarship.
When your child is ready to move on to middle school (6th grade) or high school (9th grade), he or she will automatically be enrolled at his or her school of residence based on your address. If you would like to request a different school for middle or high school, you will need to submit an Intradistrict Transfer Request during Open Enrollment (mid-October to end of January) of the prior school year (5th or 8th grade).
During Open Enrollment, equal priority consideration is given to all requests, regardless of when they were submitted during the Open Enrollment window. Space availability at the school, grade and/or program requested is the major determining factor for approval. Potential transfer students are always expected to have satisfactory attendance, citizenship and scholarship.
Transfer requests received after Open Enrollment are placed on a Wait List in the order they are received. Date received and space availability at the school, grade and/or program requested are the major determining factors for approval. Potential transfer students are always expected to have satisfactory attendance, citizenship and scholarship.
NO, the enrollment and registration process is independent of the transfer process. Parents are advised to enroll and register their child at their school of residence, until they have received a response regarding their transfer request.
Please note, however, that if we are unable to approve your request, your child will need to attend his or her school of residence based on your address.
NO, siblings will NOT automatically go to the transfer school. You will need to submit a transfer request for them as well during Open Enrollment (mid-October to end of January) of the prior year in which they will attend. Otherwise, they will be enrolled at their school of residence.
NO, TK students who are not attending their school of residence need to submit a transfer request during Open Enrollment of their TK year (mid-October to the end of January) to remain at the school for Kindergarten and subsequent years. Otherwise, they will be enrolled at their school of residence based on their address.
Parents/Guardians must notify their child(ren)’s school(s) when their address changes. Please request a change of address through your Parent Portal and take two proofs of residency for your new address to your oldest child’s school. You may view a guide to acceptable proofs of residency here.
The school will inform you if you need to take any additional steps. (Schools have a form available for their students who move outside of their school boundary, but still within TVUSD, and who wish to continue with them. This form is available all year long.)
Students on an approved Intradistrict Transfer are committed to completing the entire first school year at the transfer school.
As of the second school year, parents may opt to return to their home school before the start of the new school year by informing their transfer school of their wishes. The school will then coordinate the change for the following school year.
NO, you will need to submit a new transfer request, per the Timeline for Submissions and Responses for Intradistrict Transfers.
New students (any student not currently enrolled) must enroll as soon as possible after receiving an approval, to ensure continued space availability.
No, your child does not have to be enrolled in the Temecula district to submit a transfer request. You may select "Not a current TVUSD student" for your most recent school.
No, once students on an Intradistrict Transfer move on to middle or high school, they are automatically enrolled at their school of residence based on their address.
If you wish to request a different school for middle or high school, you will need to submit an Intradistrict Transfer request during the Open Enrollment period from mid-October to the end of January of your student's 5th or 8th grade year.
Please keep in mind that transfers are not guaranteed. If we are unable to approve your transfer request, your child will attend middle or high school with different classmates.
Summit Academy (TK-7) Transfers
2025 - 2026 School Year Open Enrollment for Summit Academy 10/14/24 - 1/31/25
Please Review the Information Below Prior to Submitting a 2025/2026 Transfer request for Summit Academy:
- If your child is currently attending Summit Academy and will remain at Summit Academy next year, there is no need to reapply.
- Siblings of students attending Summit Academy will be given priority consideration. A separate request is required for each sibling.
- Students who demonstrate satisfactory academic effort, behavior/citizenship, and attendance shall be considered for transfers on the basis of space availability at Summit Academy.
- If your child is new to TVUSD during the 2025/2026 school year, additional eligibility information must be submitted (after the first semester report card).
- Transportation is not provided for any student approved for a Transfer.
- We anticipate notifying parents/guardians of the transfer decision, either by email or by mail, using the addresses provided on the application, no later than May 2025.
- Submitting an application does not guarantee enrollment at Summit Academy
To submit a WAITLIST request for the 2025/2026 school year, please click here.
Summit Academy 2024/2025 (Current Year) Waitlist Request
Submit a Waitlist Transfer Request
To submit a waitlist Transfer request for the 2024/2025 school year, please click here.
Interdistrict Transfers INTO TVUSD
- Click here for Interdistrict Transfer Information INTO TVUSD 2025/2026
- Click here for Interdistrict Transfer Information INTO TVUSD 2024/2025
Click here for Interdistrict Transfer Information INTO TVUSD 2025/2026
The Temecula Valley Board of Trustees desires to provide enrollment options that meet the diverse needs and interests of district students and parents/guardians, while also balancing enrollment in order to maximize the efficient use of district facilities.
2025 - 2026 School Year Interdistrict INTO TVUSD
Please Review the Information Below Prior to Submitting a 2025/2026 Open Enrollment Transfer:
For students that are currently enrolled in TVUSD, please CLICK HERE.
For students who are NOT currently enrolled in TVUSD: CLICK HERE.
- Students who demonstrate satisfactory academic effort, behavior/citizenship, and attendance shall be considered for transfers on the basis of space availability at the school of desired attendance.
- If your child will be new to TVUSD during the 2025/2026 school year, additional eligibility information must be submitted.
- Transportation is not provided for any student approved for Interdistrict Transfer.
- We anticipate notifying parents/guardians of the transfer decision by May 2025, either by email or mail via the addresses provided on the application.
- Submitting an application does not guarantee enrollment in the desired school.
- Transfer requests must be submitted for each student individually.
To submit an Interdistrict Transfer Request for the 2025/2026 school year, please click here.
Click here for Interdistrict Transfer Information INTO TVUSD 2024/2025
The Temecula Valley Board of Trustees desires to provide enrollment options that meet the diverse needs and interests of district students and parents/guardians, while also balancing enrollment in order to maximize the efficient use of district facilities.
2024 - 2025 School Year Interdistrict INTO TVUSD
Please Review the Information Below Prior to Submitting a 2024/2025 Open Enrollment Transfer:
For students that are currently enrolled in TVUSD, please CLICK HERE.
For students who are NOT currently enrolled in TVUSD: CLICK HERE.
- Students who demonstrate satisfactory academic effort, behavior/citizenship, and attendance shall be considered for transfers on the basis of space availability at the school of desired attendance.
- If your child will be new to TVUSD during the 2024/2025 school year, additional eligibility information must be submitted.
- Transportation is not provided for any student approved for Interdistrict Transfer.
- We anticipate notifying parents/guardians of the transfer decision by May 2024, either by email or mail via the addresses provided on the application.
- Submitting an application does not guarantee enrollment in the desired school.
- Transfer requests must be submitted for each student individually.
To submit an Interdistrict Transfer Request for the 2024/2025 school year, please click here.
Between districts - for residents of a different district
Transfer requests submitted for the current school year (15 days before the start of school or after) are reviewed in the order they are received. Responses are sent via email as soon as possible and no later than 30 days after being received. Transfer requests are reviewed individually and siblings may be notified at different times.
Responses to transfer requests submitted for the following school year (up until 15 days before the start of school) are sent as soon as possible via email and no later than 14 days after the start of school. Transfer requests are reviewed individually and siblings may be notified at different times.
Typically, continuing students matriculating to a different school for 6th or 9th grade are reviewed first, then continuing students to the same school and new students to the district.
Please Note: If your child has an Individualized Education Program (IEP), your request will also be reviewed by our Special Education Department. Therefore, if your child does NOT already attend TVUSD, please attach a copy of his/her most recent IEP to your request. Failure to do so, or incorrect or omitted information, may delay the review process as well as our response time.
(If your child already attends TVUSD, you do not need to submit a copy of the IEP.)
Parents/Guardians must notify their child(ren)’s school(s) when their address changes. Please request a change of address through your Parent Portal and take two proofs of residency for your new address to your oldest child’s school. You may view a guide to acceptable proofs of residency here.
The school will inform you if you need to take any additional steps.
If you have moved outside of the TVUSD district boundary, you will need to submit an Interdistrict Transfer Request on our Transfers web page, here.
No, you must have received the Interdistrict Transfer approval from both your district of residence AND TVUSD before you can proceed to enroll your child in our district. DO NOT disenroll your child from your district of residence until you have received both of these.
No, you must have an Interdistrict Attendance Permit approved by both your district of residence AND the Temecula School District, before you can enroll your child in our district.
DO NOT disenroll your child from your district of residence until you have received an Interdistrict Transfer approval from TVUSD.
The priority deadline for the submission of Interdistrict Transfer Requests is 30 days before the start of the school year. Please keep in mind, however, that requests are reviewed in the order they are received, and are based on space availability at one of our schools and in the grade and/or program requested. Therefore, the sooner they are submitted, the better.
Requests received within 30 days of the start of the school year, or after, will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
YES, a transfer request must be submitted for every school year up until the 10th grade for most districts.
Currently, these must be renewed every year for grades Kindergarten through 10th, for all districts, except:
- Murrieta Valley Unified School District
- All school districts within San Diego County
As of the 22-23 school year, students from these districts will be approved for an entire grade span (elementary, middle or high) and will only need to submit renewal requests for middle school (6th grade) and high school (9th grade).
All other districts must continue to submit yearly renewal requests up until, and including, 10th grade.
Interdistrict Transfer requests are received as of mid-January before the start of the new school year.
NOTE: If a student from completes 10th or 11th grade on June 30th on an Interdistrict Transfer from any district, no additional transfer request renewals need to be submitted. They will be allowed to stay until the end of 12th grade.
There is an online portion that must be completed for students who are not currently enrolled with TVUSD, which is Step 1 of the transfer request process, HERE. However, most districts do not have their Attendance Permit forms (Step 2A of the process) online. Nonetheless, we suggest contacting your district of residence to find out.
Click here to access the Murrieta Valley Unified School District's online form via their website. Please be sure that your address falls within the Murrieta School District's boundary, by double-checking this on their school locator here.
Interdistrict Transfers OUT of TVUSD
- Click here for Interdistrict Transfer Information OUT of TVUSD 2025/2026
- Click here for Interdistrict Transfer Information OUT of TVUSD 2024/2025
Click here for Interdistrict Transfer Information OUT of TVUSD 2025/2026
2025 - 2026 School Year Interdistrict OUT TVUSD
If you would like to request an Inter-District Transfer Release from TVUSD to attend another school district, you may do so by clicking on the following links.
Fill out ONE ONLINE REQUEST PER CHILD for the applicable year.
- STEP ONE: Once you submit your online request, click on the link in the confirmation message (pop up window) and print the form.
- STEP TWO: Return the completed/printed form(s) to the district you are requesting to attend and wait for a response.
Click here for Interdistrict Transfer Information OUT of TVUSD 2024/2025
2024 - 2025 School Year Interdistrict OUT TVUSD
If you would like to request an Inter-District Transfer Release from TVUSD to attend another school district, you may do so by clicking on the following links.
Fill out ONE ONLINE REQUEST PER CHILD for the applicable year.
- STEP ONE: Once you submit your online request, click on the link in the confirmation message (pop up window) and print the form.
- STEP TWO: Return the completed/printed form(s) to the district you are requesting to attend and wait for a response.
Between districts - for residents of TVUSD
YES, an Interdistrict Attendance Permit from TVUSD to a different district is required every school year for most school districts.
Currently, these must be renewed every year for all districts, except:
- Murrieta Valley Unified School District
- All school districts within San Diego County
As of the 22-23 school year, students from these districts will be approved for an entire grade span (elementary, middle or high) and will only need to submit renewal requests for middle school (6th grade) and high school (9th grade).
All other districts must continue to submit yearly renewal requests up until, and including, 10th grade.
Interdistrict Transfer requests are received as of mid-January before the start of the new school year.
These are available online on our website, HERE, as of mid-January before the start of the new school year.
No, there is no deadline to request to leave our district. You may want to check, however, with the district you are requesting regarding their timelines. Please also keep in mind that requests at any school district are based on space availability. The sooner it is submitted, the better.
Locate Your Zoned School (TVUSD)
Use the School Locator Map to enter your street address to find your zoned elementary, middle, and high schools. If no schools are found, your address is most likely in a different district.
Locate Your Zoned District (Riverside)
Use the Riverside County District Locator Map to enter your street address. Select your address to find your zoned district in Riverside County. If no district is found, your address is most likely located in a different county.
Please email or call 951-294-6212 with any questions.