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Centralized Enrollment & Registration

Welcome to TVUSD!

New Students to TVUSD:

We are accepting applications NOW for the 2024-2025 School Year for Grades TK - 12. If you have successfully submitted a New Enrollment Application, please check your email Inbox/Spam folders to confirm it was successfully submitted. Once your application is processed, one of our Enrollment Center Technicians will communicate with you via email.

We are also accepting applications online NOW for the 2025-2026 School Year for Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten.

Applications for 1st-12th grade students for the 2025-2026 School Year can be submitted now but please note, these applications will NOT be reviewed until after April 11, 2025. You will not receive an email or any response to a 1st-12th grade application before 4/11/25 while we prioritize TK & K enrollment. Thank you for your patience.

New students are defined as brand new to the district or returning after attending a school outside of TVUSD. If you live outside of our district, you must have an approved transfer prior to beginning the pre-enrollment process. 

You will be contacted via email or phone call if your application is incomplete. Please click HEREand make an appointment to bring the items requested IF the technician contacts you to complete your application. 

Current Students

Current students are defined as students currently attending TVUSD  and are required to complete the Annual Family Update through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. 

Transfer Students

Transfer students are defined as either:

  • NEW (or returning students) living outside our district (must be INTER-District transfer approved prior to beginning the Online Pre-Enrollment process) OR 
  • Requesting a different school within TVUSD.  Must first be enrolled in their current school of residence until the INTRA-District transfer approval is confirmed. 

Online Pre-Enrollment Application Process


Enroll Now


A hard copy of the Student Housing Questionnaire is available at the Centralized Enrollment Center.