- Susan LaVorgna Elementary School
- Report an Absence
Attendance Office
Regular attendance is an important indicator of school success. We respect the importance of quality instructional time. Students should be on time and ready to learn. Students with perfect attendance will be recognized for that accomplishment at the end of the year.
Promptness to class is extremely important. Students are to be in their seats and ready for instruction when the bell sounds. Interruptions due to tardiness take away from learning time and are disruptive to the class. Classes who have no tardies for the entire week earn the Golden Alarm Clock Award at Friday Flag Salute. Tardy students are to report to the office as soon as they arrive at school. Students who are truant or habitually absent (more than five days) may be referred to SARB (School Attendance Review Board).
If your child must be absent, please call the absence line by 9:00 am (each day that your child is absent) at 951-294-6386. For your convenience, this phone is operational 24 hours a day, therefore, you may even report the absence the evening before.