• grad cap and diplomaThe Temecula Valley Adult School Is ACS-WASC Accredited.

    We offer an independent study High School Diploma program and an independent study GED preparation program. Both programs use a curriculum that is available online, in a textbook, or a combination of both.

    At the end of the school year, adults who have graduated with a diploma or have received a high school equivalency certificate by passing the GED are invited to participate in the TVAS Graduation Ceremony.  

  • High School Diploma Program

    In the High School Diploma program, students complete the following 175 credits to receive a high school diploma.

    40 English 

    10 World History

    10 US History 

     5  Government 

     5  Economics

    10 Algebra

    10 General Math

    10 Life Science

    10 Physical Science

    10 Fine Art

    55 Electives (up to 20 credits of Physical Education may be used towards Elective credits)

  • GED Preparation Program

    In the GED preparation program, students use practice tests, study materials, and teacher support to identify what reading, writing, and math skills they already have and what skills they need to develop in order to pass the four parts of the official GED test.

    You take it. We'll pay for it!

    Beginning August 2023, Temecula Valley Adult School will pay for our students' official GED Ready practice and full-length tests.

    Come see us for more details!

  • We also have information about local, free or low-cost classes including English as a New Language, Citizenship, Introduction to Culinary, Child Development, and Construction.

    See our Resources Page for more information.