• Library Mission Statement

    The VRMS Library provides you with the materials, technology, environment, and assistance needed to be successful in middle school. The library houses 15 networked computers that have access to the Internet to use Google Docs, Infinite Campus for research and instruction for academic purposes. The library is a place to read, study, research and collaborate with other students. You will also find academic support from staff who are eager to assist you in locating resources and accessing information both in print and electronically. 

  • LIBRARY Modified Hours:

    Monday  730-3:00
    Tuesday  7:30-3:00
    Wednesday  7:30-3:00
    Thursday  7:30-3:00
    Friday    7:30-3:00        
    (Library may close  any day of the week without notice if requested by Administration)  
  • Contact Information

    Chris Murguia-Library Media Technician 

    Debra Limburg-Library Media Assistant

    Shana Brooks-Schmit-Library Media Assistant

    (951)302-5188 Ext. 4112 

    Email: cmurguia@tvusd.us