About Community Facilities Districts (CFDs)
CFD Information and Reports
Welcome to TVUSD's online CFD and tax assesment information resource
Find CFD information using the Assesors Parcel Number (APN) for your property...
About Community Facilities Districts (CFDs)
The Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 authorizes the formation of a community facilities district to finance various services and build necessary school facilities for our growing community.
The link below will only display CFD's that have been issued under the authority of TVUSD; for questions about any other CFDs or special assessments appearing on your tax bill, contact the issuing agency using the telephone number listed on your tax bill.
Click on this link to get started and access CFD information
If you have additional questions about the accuracy of CFD information related to your property, please contact our Special Tax Consultant, Special District Financing & Administration at 760-233-2630 or visit http://www.sdfa.com/ for assistance.