Citizen's Oversight Committee (COC)
Meetings of the Citizen's Oversight Committee are called, noticed, held, and conducted subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act, and are open to the public. Meetings are held quarterly at the District Office or at one of the District schools that have benefited from Measure Y funds.
As part of the authorization and voter approval of Proposition Y and under the regulations of Proposition 39 and Education Code Section 15278, et. seq., the District is required to form a Citizens’ Oversight Committee (COC) comprised of members of the community to assist the District in reviewing the expenditure of bond funds as they occur and inform the public on the expenditure of the bond proceeds. The committee shall:
- Actively review and report on the proper expenditure of taxpayers' money for school construction;
- Advise the public whether the school district is in compliance with the requirements of Article XIIIA, Section 1(B) (3); and
- Convene to provide oversight but not limited to:
- Ensuring that bond revenues are expended only for the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or replacement of school facilities, including the furnishing and equipping of school facilities, or the acquisition or lease of real property for school facilities;
- Ensuring that no funds are used for any teacher or administrative salaries or the school operating expense
- Prepare the required annual, independent performance audit
- Receive and review copies of the required annual, independent financial audit.
Meeting Dates 2024-2025
October 16, 2024
April 23, 2025