Fringe Benefit Consortium (FBC)
The Fringe Benefits Consortium Deferred Compensation Program (FBC) is now managed by PlanMember Service. FBC serves member districts in San Diego County, Riverside County, and Imperial County. FBC is a retirement program designed to help educators build and grow their savings in order to achieve their retirement dreams. They assist the District with 403(b) and 457(b) plans. For more information, please visit
New phone and email contact information:
- Call: (833) 752-6322 (Plan-FBC) (M-F, 8am - 5pm)
- Email: FBCSupport@planmember.
Retirement Planning Information
To speak to a Retirement Plan Advisor at Empower, please call (844) 732-7738 or visit the Empower website @
For important disclosures and product information, click here.
To choose another vendor for your 403(b) or 457, please refer to the Approved Vendor List for vendor eligibility.
Retirement Forms / Library
403(b) & 457(b) Information
Effective December 01, 2019, SchoolsFirst Plan Administration, LLC, will replace National Benefits Services (NBC) as the Plan Administrator for our 403(b) and 457(b) plans.
For information on how to set up a 403(b) or 457 retirement account, please go to the School's First website @
To change or stop your existing 403(b) or 457 retirement contribution, please complete a Salary Reduction Agreement form found on the School's First Website forms page @ Completed forms should be sent directly to School's First for processing. (Please refer to the submission instructions on the form.)