Program Overview
Program Overview
On December 1st 2011, TVUSD entered into a 5 year partnership with Energy Education. Energy Education is now known as Cenergistic. (You can learn more about Cenergistic by following this link.) Billed as the energy conservation company, Cenergistic has helped us build a customized, comprehensive energy conservation program that is reducing our consumption of electricity, natural gas, and water. Through this conservation, we are delivering financial savings that can be utilized for the betterment of the district rather than the benefit of the utility companies.
Scott Krefft (retired) and Greg Page began their work as Energy Education Specialists for TVUSD on January 9th, 2012 with Kelly Kollar coming on in August of 2017. Utilizing a pyramid model (to learn about the pyramid model you can follow this link) of energy management (to read Penn State's article about the energy pyramid you can follow this link) and with the cooperation of everybody in the district, we have realized a cost avoidance to date of over $12,500,000.00!
Essential Energy Specialists' functions:
•Maintain Comfort in the Learning Environment …
Monitor building usage and comfort during occupied times
Monitor operational efficiency of equipment
Communicate repair issues to district staff
•Eliminate Energy Waste …
Support the District’s energy policy and guidelines
Audit buildings during unoccupied times
Track & analyze energy consumption for all buildings
Use audits, software, and web-based tools to track waste
•Save Dollars …
Minimize unnecessary utility consumption
Monitor utility bills & meters for errors or overcharges
Explore rebate & grant programs
•Create a “climate of conservation” that ensures sustainable savings