Teaching and Learning Resources
Here are some ways you can help the earth and save money!
The following contains links. If something sounds interesting to you, click on it to learn more!
Driving Car Maintenance Fixing Leaks The Life Cycle of 'Stuff' Saving Energy at Home
Are you interested in summer projects that can help you reduce energy and save money? Click the following link for the Energy Saver's Guide from the U.S. Department of Energy!
Read about a "scary" Co2 trend here in a 2013 NBC Science report.
The following contains links for water information and great ways to conserve water and save money!
Water information from the Association of California Water Agencies
The following contains links to general energy conservation information as well as ideas to use in the classroom. If something sounds interesting, just click on it!
Energy Related Lesson Plans and Ideas (K-12)
TVUSD Earth Day Presentation and Links (2013)
Calculate Your School's Carbon Footprint (High School)
Department of Energy's 'Home Energy IQ' Quiz
Common Home Problems and Solutions