About ELOP
After School Expanded Learning Opportunities Program
"Expanded learning" means before school, after school, summer, or intersession learning programs that focus on developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of pupils through hands-on, engaging learning experiences.
It is the intent of the Legislature that expanded learning programs are pupil-centered, results-driven, include community partners, and complement, but do not replicate, learning activites in the regular school day and school year.
Click below for the TVUSD Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Plan:
Did you know?
ELOP is required by AB130
The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program is required by California Education Code Section 46120. It states that LEAs must provide access to 50% of unduplicated pupils in grades TK-middle school access to expanded learning opportunity programs.
Students in grades TK- middle school must have access to no less than 9 hours of combined instructional time and expanded learning opportunities daily. Including at least 30 non-school days.
We will now serve 6th, 7th, and 8th grade unduplicated students in our Expanded Learning middle school program. However, please note that 6th graders will receive priority enrollment and 7th and 8th graders will be added as space allows.
Who we will serve?
Unduplicated pupils are defined as foster youth, students receiving free or reduced priced meals, and English Learners
If you are not sure if your child qualifies for free and/or reduced lunch, please complete the application at the link below.
What we will do?
-We welcome children of diverse backgrounds and abilities
-Create structured environments for a combination of learning, enrichment, and play to extend the current instructional day
-Focus on social/emotional growth and development of students
-Collaborate with school sites to focus on their student's needs
Quality Standards for Expanded Learning
Focus on 12 standards
-Safe & Supportive Environment
-Quality Staff
-Active & Engaged Learning
-Clear Vision, Mission, & Purpose
-Skill Building -Collaborative Partnerships
-Youth Voice & Leadership
-Continuous Quality Improvement
-Healthy Choices & Behaviors
-Program Management
-Diversity, Access, & Equity
Community Partners
At this time, we are contracting with Boys & Girls Club of Southwest County for middle school programming.