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District Information

Our Mission

We Elevate Experiences, Opportunities, and Each Other.

Our Vision

TVUSD strives to create high levels of learning in a welcoming, collaborative environment for our future leaders.


The Temecula Valley Unified School District is located in Riverside County.  The District covers 213 square miles (north to French Valley, south to the San Diego County line, east to Vail Lake, and, west to the Temecula city limit.)  The District began operations as a unified school district in 1989.  

24-25 Superintendent Highlights

I am pleased to share the recent accomplishments and aspirations of Temecula Valley Unified School District (TVUSD). We celebrate the distinction of having two Apple Distinguished Schools, a testament to our commitment to integrating technology and innovation into student education. This recognition highlights our efforts to leverage technology as a powerful tool for enhancing learning when combined with data-driven instructional practices. We are excited to continue advancing these initiatives to foster a dynamic and engaging educational environment for all students.
Looking ahead, our focus is on refining instructional practices to further enrich the learning experience at TVUSD. We aim to expand our Career and Technical Education (CTE) and extracurricular programs, providing clear pathways aligned with the college and career aspirations of our students. Our mission is to elevate opportunities and empower students with the skills and motivation to positively influence our community and beyond. By investing in these areas, we strive to create an educational environment that supports every student's growth and success.

TVUSD Organizational Chart

graphic with TVUSD Board Values - Leadership, Care, Experiences, and Opportunities

TVUSD in Numbers

Geographic size:

  • 213 square miles

Number of Schools: 33

  • 17 elementary schools
  • 2 TK-8 schools
  • 6 middle schools
  • 3 comprehensive high schools
  • 1 continuation high school
  • 1 independent study high school
  • 3 charter schools
  • 1 adult school 
  • BASES at almost every elementary school site

Total Number of Employees:

  • Certificated (teachers) 1,451
  • Classified (non-teaching) 1,775

TVUSD Enrollment, Student Demographics, and Academics:

School Data

Schools, Enrollment and Class Size can be found on Ed-Data, a service of the California Department of Education. 


Click the image below to learn more about TVUSD:
graphic with the district's mission and vision along with a picture of two hot air balloons flying above the valley


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