- Temecula Valley High School
- CA-933 Operations Order
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Effective: 10/14/24 - 10/20/24
Duty Flight: India
Uniform: Wednesday
Combo 3 (Tie/ Tie Tab)
*Please note that your grades will be negatively impacted if you have been issued your blue uniform and passed the Uniform Test. *ALL Cadets who have passed their uniform test MUST take their blue uniforms home today, 10/14/24. Rooms will be open after school so you can grab your uniforms.
Cadets who DO NOT have their blue uniform (due to alterations/uniform test retake) - Combo 7 (Black Morale/Grey AF T-Shirt)
Uniform Friday
PT - Combo 7 (Gray T-Shirt/Sweatshirt with Blue Shorts/Sweatpants)
New Cadets(who have NOT been issued PT gear)- Combo 7 (Black Morale or Gray Shirt)
The Operations Order will be updated and posted to the AFJROTC Website every Monday and read at the start of class. If you have information to include, contact C/Capt. Madelynn Patino & C/Capt. Nathan Santos before THURSDAY AFTERNOON NLT 1700!
To see the Weekly Schedule, click the link below to stay informed!
If you want to schedule a meeting, contact BOTH Executive Officers BEFORE THURSDAY NIGHT NLT 2359!! Contact the Executive Officers on the Exec Remind using the code @exec-3
Room Schedule is as follows this week:
OPEN - Mon: 0800 / Tues: 0800 / Wed: 0800 / Thur: 0800 / Fri: 0800
CLOSE - Mon: 1630 / Tues: CLOSED / Wed:1530 / Thur: CLOSED / Fri: CLOSED
ATTENTION STAFF: There will be a Staff Meeting on Wednesday of this week in S-15! This is MANDATORY for the following:
Flight Sergeants and Above
Drill Team and Club Commanders
Staff Members: To participate in the Quote of the Week, complete the following Google Form: https://forms.gle/B2fTD681U1pfJr6w5
Our annual FUNDRAISING effort is officially underway through the end of October. Please remember that additional email addresses can be added at any time, Again, the goal is to get to 20 quality emails. The remaining incentives for those who have earned them will be distributed this week.
ATTENTION ALL CADETS: Shoe-shining will occur in class today (Monday, 10/14/24). Please be sure to keep your shoes clean and shined per uniform guidelines.
ATTENTION ALL CADETS: Morning Flagpole is THIS Wednesday, October 16th, 0815-0835. Show up at the flagpole near the front office NLT 0815. This is a MANDATORY event for ALL CADETS! Make sure you let your Flight Commander know IN ADVANCE if you cannot make it.
It’s time to prepare for our DINING IN next Wednesday (23 Oct)! Beginning Tuesday (15 Oct), cadets can begin paying for their tickets at the bookkeeper window. Tickets for CA-933 cadets are only $5.00! Tickets must be purchased NLT Monday 21 Oct. Please remember the dining in is a CADET ONLY event (no guests). If finances are an issue, please see Lt Col Good or MSgt Knight.
DINING IN Details are as follows: The Dining In event occurs NEXT Wednesday, October 23rd, from 1700-2030. Cadets will form up in front of the mini-gym to be briefed on the mess rules NLT 1630. This event will be one to remember, so you don’t want to miss out!
You can head to the bookkeeper to purchase your ticket starting tomorrow!
Staff and key roles: Combo 3 (Tie/Tie Tab)
Everyone else: Combo 4 (open collar)
ATTENTION CADETS: Interested in earning a private pilot certificate through the AFJROTC Flight Academy program? Those who meet the eligibility requirements below should sign up to take the Aviation Qualification Test (or AQT, for short) NLT 10/18. The AQT is scheduled for 10/21 in S-14. Cadets MUST be in their seats by 0900 with a CHARGED Chromebook or laptop (bring a power cord).
Eligibility requirements: (a) turn 17 years old by 7/15/25, (2) possess a 3.0 minimum cumulative GPA (on a 4.0 scale), and (3) achieve a minimum fitness assessment score of 75%
AQT Sign-up link: https://forms.gle/1YPBH2MPpACoetP47
You MUST READ & TAKE ACTION ON IMPORTANT information found on our website at: https://www.tvusd.k12.ca.us/Page/25399
ATTENTION ALL CADETS: Vail Elementary’s Harvest Festival is this Friday, October 18th, from 1630 to 2000! Cadets will help the PTA team with various games and activities, including supporting the sensory and special needs hours (1700-1800). The Sign-up sheet with more information is posted in S-15!
Meet at Vail Elementary School (29835 Mira Loma Dr, Temecula) NLT 1630 for check-in
Uniform Combo:
Combo 7 (Black Morale)
If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with the lead for this event, C/Piedra.
ATTENTION ALL CADETS: CA-933’s BIGGEST community service hour earning opportunity of the school year will continue THIS WEEKEND: the BIG HORSE CORN MAZE! The Corn Maze runs each Saturday and Sunday until October 27th. This year’s cadet leads are C/Capt. Perez (lead), C/2d Lt. Larkin (deputy), and C/A1C Susheila.
The shifts for each day are as follows:
1st Shift - 0800-1300
2nd Shift - 1230-1800
Sign-up → HERE ←
For any questions or concerns, please contact the cadet leads via remind: @cornmaze24
The more hours a cadet volunteers at this event will result in an offset of the cost of the cadets' military ball tickets (which are usually around $55)!
AFJROTC Snack Bar: The Snack Bar will generally be open each day Before School (at approx 0810), during Break, Lunch, and After School (when rooms remain open after school). Please remember the basic ROEs (rules of engagement):
NO bills larger than $10
NO reselling items
NO purchasing items for non-cadets
NO exceeding the daily purchase limit
Make sure to keep S-2 CLEAN. Please remember that having access to the snack bar is a PRIVILEGE, and failure to respect and clean our rooms will result in those privileges being taken away or the snack bar getting CLOSED.
ALL CADETS: As a reminder, unless excused by the Col. or MSgt, you must wear your Uniform ALL Day on Uniform Day. Changing out early without permission will result in a ZERO with no makeup opportunity.
ALL NEW (First Year) CADETS: Once issued, please be sure that your uniform is labeled and that you secure it in S-14 until you take it home. Please be mindful that you are held liable for your uniform once it has been issued to you! DAMAGED OR LOST UNIFORM ITEMS WILL INCUR A CHARGE!!*Please note: All cadets must follow the appropriate uniform dress and appearance grooming standards. This means hair regulations must be followed when wearing the uniform. Please check the cadet guidelines regarding jewelry (several jewelry violations have been noted in the last few weeks). Also, see the “do’s/ do-nots” section when in uniform.
Interested in being a part of our prestigious Drill Teams or Clubs? Use the Remind codes in the following form to reach and contact the respective Club and Drill Team Commanders with any questions! (Anyone can join!):
Need help with a Subject? Kitty Hawk is holding their Tutoring Program! Click the link below to find a tutor to help you with your subject and schedule a session. Kitty Hawk Tutoring Link
Join our Unit Remind Class by texting @24-25tvafj to 81010 to receive critical information and updates throughout the school year.
ALL CADETS: We can't stress this enough, but unless you were expressly asked to assist, DO NOT COME DOWN TO THE ROOMS DURING YOUR OTHER CLASSES! This applies whether you are done with the work in other classes or not!
Need your ribbons from Awards Night? Contact the Logistics Team on Remind @tvhslog to set up an appointment. DON’T JUST WALK IN! Have a list of the ribbons you need ready before your appointment via the File Locker ---> Click HERE <--- to see what ribbons you earned.
Unless receiving their first ribbons, cadets MUST bring their old ribbon rack to exchange before a new one can be issued. NO EXCEPTIONS!
While S-14 is in use as a female changing room, ladies who are changing out, please be sure to put the “Ladies Changing Room” sign outside and lock the door. If a Cadet needs to come in, they will knock and wait for the door to be answered.
RETURNING SENIOR CADETS: Please ensure you turn in the community service hours earned to your counselor. Please see the Col or MSgt if you need to know how many hours you have earned! Remember, community service hours are a requirement for graduation.
ALL CADETS: Please bring water for your designated period. AFJROTC-purchased waters are for important events, so please bring your own to school each day.
ALL CADETS: You must come to class prepared to participate. That includes bringing a charged Chromebook every day.
Cadet cell phones will be left in the classroom when leaving for the Restroom or Drill. The instructor may decide to use them at any other time.
To stay further connected, join CA-933rd's Unit Discord: discord.gg/u7wFgU59, follow us on our Unit Instagram: @tvhs.afjrotc, and follow us on our Tiktok: @tvhs.afjrotc