Developer Fee Collection

  • Overview:

    Government Code Section 65995 and California Education Code Section 17620 allow school districts to levy fees on residential and or commercial/industrial construction projects within a school district's boundaries.  The State Allocation Board (SAB) sets the per-square-foot Level I school impact fees (“Developer Fees”) every two (even) years at its January meeting.

    Hours of Collection:

    The Developer Fee Office is open for collections, by appointment only, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, except when closed on District holidays. 

  • Community Facilities District's
    The District has annexable CFD's for small developments.
    Please contact Amber Perez at

  • Note: Any residential construction addition less than 500 square feet, with the exception of ADU's, is not subject to a fee. However, a Certificate of Compliance is required. For additional information on ADU's, see the FAQ tab.