- Temecula Middle School
- Infinite Campus (Grades Online)
District ID: temecula
Go Mobile
Anytime, anywhere access to your Campus Portal account from your iOS or Android devices.
Student Grade Access
Students can create their own person student portal grade accounts by logging onto the following website and entering their personal information as follows:
https://campus.tvusd.k12.ca.us/campus/portal/temecula_valley.jspUsername = Student ID (no leading zeros. Ex. 1000003560 or 70001111)
Password = First initial, Last initial and 6 digit birthday (XXMMDDYY) Ex. jk120998 or rb041199
When student set up their accounts, they will need to set their security preferences and set up a valid email so the system can respond to lost passwords.
Parent Portal Account Activation
The parent portal is a confidential and secure web site that allows parents/guardians to log in and view their child's school information. Following the instructions below, please create a Parent Portal account. The required information for this activation is listed below. If you have more than one student attending in the Temecula Valley Unified School District, they should all appear within your account. Portal access will allow viewing of grades (except in kindergarten), attendance, and other school information throughout the year.
In order to access your student's grades, you will need an Activation Key. This will be sent to parents using the email address they provided to the district. If you do not know your activation key, please contact Mrs. Blain in the TMS front office at 302-5151 ext. 2500.
Once you have your activation key, please continue with the following:- Go to https://campus.tvusd.k12.ca.us/campus/portal/temecula_valley.jsp (You may want to add this address to your bookmarks or favorites for easy access to Campus Portal in the future).
- Click HELP
- Select the following option: "If you have been assigned a Campus Portal Activation Key, click here".
- Enter your Activation Key
- For your username, enter your valid email address.
- Create a strong password.
Once you have successfully created your account, log on to Campus Portal.
- If you have more than one student in our schools, use the SELECT A STUDENT drop down.
- If you have only one student in our schools, you will be taken to the portal page for that student.
If you are unable to log in or are having trouble getting your child's grade information, please call the Parent Portal Help Line at 951-506-7903 for assistance.