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Leadership Pathways
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Peer Leaders | Peer Leaders |
Leadership Courses
WSB stands for Wolfpack Student Body. While WSB includes all students, we offer leadership classes for those who wish to participate in Student Leadership. This is sometimes called Student Council or ASB. Please click through our course options, Leadership 1, Leadership 2, and Peer Leaders to see what our Leadership Courses are all about.
Leadership 1
This course is designed to introduce students to the student government at GOHS. Students will have the opportunity to learn valuable leadership skills such as: effective communication, learning to delegate, making contact with the community, and learning how to put on an event. Students need to be willing to make a difference on a daily basis. This course is designed for incoming freshmen and first time WSB students. An application process helps place students into this introductory course.
Leadership 2
This course is designed for students who have taken Leadership 1. Students will continue to develop leadership skills. This class is responsible for putting on all of the major events on campus. Students will work together to create events that are engaging, fun, and inclusive. Students will be required to attend events and are expected to be good role models on campus representing the Great Oak brand. Students will learn about parliamentary procedures, school finance and organization skills. This course is great for preparing students to be leaders in the world.
Peer Leaders
This is a two-semester course that combines high-level critical thinking, writing , and analytical skills with project experiences and implementation, while giving students an opportunity to explore interpersonal and mass communications as they identify and address critical issues related to school climate. Through this class students will become more empowered peer leaders as they hone their communication and problem solving skills.
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |
- Ms. Andrade
- Mrs. Balka
- Mrs. Baron
- Mrs. Brennan
- Mr. Skaggs