What is BYOD?

  • BYOD is Bring Your Own Device, a strategy used throughout the nation, allowing students to bring a device used at home with them to school.  Administrators hope these bring-your-own-device initiatives, recommended in the U.S. Department of Education's 2010 National Education Technology Plan (NETP), will help cut costs and increase student engagement.  Many Temecula Valley schools have been utilizing the program for several years, with great success.

    TVUSD schools are allowing students to use their own laptops, iPads, and cell phones in the classroom.  Talk to your school teacher and principal to see if BYOD is happening on your campus.

Acceptable Use Policy for Students

  • The Governing Board intends that technological resources provided by the District be used in a safe, responsible, and proper manner in support of the instructional program and for the advancement of student learning. 
    The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that all District computers with Internet access have a technology protection measure that blocks or filters Internet access to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors and that the operation of such measures is enforced.
    The Superintendent or designee shall notify students and parents/guardians about authorized uses of District computers, user obligations and responsibilities, and consequences for unauthorized use and/or unlawful activities in accordance with District regulations and the District's Acceptable Use Agreement. Because the Internet contains an unregulated collection of resources, the District cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information or the appropriateness of any material that a student may encounter. 
    Therefore, before a student is authorized to use the District's technological resources, the student and his/her parent/guardian shall sign and return the Acceptable Use Agreement specifying user obligations and responsibilities. In that agreement, the student and his/her parent/guardian shall agree not to hold the District or any District staff responsible for the failure of any technology protection measures, violations of copyright restrictions, or user mistakes or negligence. They shall also agree to indemnify and hold harmless the District and District personnel for any damages or costs incurred. The Superintendent or designee, with input from students and appropriate staff, shall regularly review and update this policy, the accompanying administrative regulation, and other relevant procedures to enhance the safety and security of students using the District's technological resources and to help ensure that the District adapts to changing technologies and circumstances. 
    To reinforce these measures, the Superintendent or designee shall implement rules and procedures designed to restrict students' access to harmful or inappropriate matter on the Internet and to ensure that students do not engage in unauthorized or unlawful online activities, including, but not limited to, so called “hacking”. Staff shall supervise students while they are using online services and may have teacher aides, student aides, and volunteers assist in this supervision. 
    The Superintendent or designee also shall establish regulations to address the safety and security of students and student information when using email, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communication. 
    The Superintendent or designee shall provide age-appropriate instruction regarding safe and appropriate behavior on social networking sites, chat rooms, and other Internet services. Such instruction shall include, but not be limited to, the dangers of posting personal information online, misrepresentation by online predators, how to report inappropriate or offensive content or threats, behaviors that constitute cyber-bullying, and how to respond when subjected to cyber-bullying. Student use of District computers to access social networking sites is prohibited. To the extent possible, the Superintendent or designee shall block access to such sites on District computers with Internet access. 
    The Superintendent or designee shall establish administrative regulations governing use of the District's technology. He/she shall ensure that users have no expectation of privacy and understand that District staff may monitor or examine all system activities to ensure proper use of the systems. Students who fail to abide by the regulations shall be subject to disciplinary action, revocation of the user account, and legal action as appropriate.