- Great Oak High School
- Welcome
How To Access My Interventions
How to Help Your Child: A Parent Checklist
Check grades, attendance and work completion on Infinite Campus weekly. Click link to find out HOW. Read to find out how. Email mmcgreevy@tvusd.us for Parent Portal assistance.
Become a Canvas Observer. Use website: Click LINK to find out HOW.
Ensure your child has consistent class attendance.
Ensure ontime arrival. (Tip: Set phone alarm - your own personal tardy bell)
When a student is struggling with learning a concept, studentscan request an intervention from their teacher. Interventions do not begin until Aug 29. In the meantime, students are expected to bring a book to read, or have something academically productive to work on.
Is your student missing work? We have a robust make up Saturday program where students commit to four hours of productive make up work time. Visit our Saturday website by clicking here.
Seems simple, but many students complete work and forget to turn it in. Is your student completing and turning assignments in? Are they submitting Canvas assignments electronically? (PRESS SUBMIT!)
Have your child communicate directly with teachers. Email is a great way to communicate. Please allow 24 hours for a response, and expect responses only Monday - Friday and during school hours. Most teacher check email throughout the day. Some teachers respond after hours, but do not expect that.
In all your communications, remember to #GOKIND. We are all in this together.
Ensure your student uses a planner keep track of course assignments.
Ensure your student have an organized workspace at home without distractions.
Ensure your student has a set time to work on assignments/homework. If you can be available, then check in on your student's progress periodically. Supporting focus on academics can look like removing distractions such as TV, Cell Phone or Social Media use, among others. And asking questions about assignments, tests, projects, and due dates. Modeling keeping a balanced calendar helps too.
Are you struggling to ensure your student has what he or she needs to be accademically successful?
We can help!
Tutoring Opportunities
FREE Math and Science Tutoring over the Phone
Blueprint for a Safer Economy - Community Resources
Please view the Riverside County, Board of Supervisor's Blueprint for a Safer Economy.
Within this you will find resources for
- Rental Assistance
- Child Care for Essential Workers
- Youth Community Corp
- Pathways to Employment
- Supportive Services Program for those affected by unemployment
- Business Ambassador's Program
Intervention Opportunities - Student Support
Students are expected to attend classes for first instruction.
- Attend each day and each period for first instruction.
- First instruction is NOT repeated during intervention.
- Intervention is designed to provide students with more time to learn course content AFTER first instruction is received.
Students are expected to attend intervention:
- When requested or mandated by their teacher.
- When they need support in learning content materials.
- When they have content related questions or need reteaching on the content.
Students who need to make up work are encouraged to attend our Saturday Make Up program, as make up work is not an appropriate use of Intervention time. Intervention time is to extend the time needed to learn a concept.
- Attend classes for first instruction.
- Pay attention.
- Ask questions.
- Complete assignments to the best of their capabilities.
- Check Grades in Infinite Campus.
- Communicate with Teacher.
- Put up the intervention Slide of the Day.
- communicate how to access intervention
- provide concept based targeted intervention
- provide individualized assistance by appointment
- provide small group instruction
GOHS is using 5 Star Students as our intervention system. It is not possible for a student to be requested by two different teachers at the same time.
A student must be requested through the 5 Star app for intervention in order to exit their second period classroom and go to another location. Students who have not been requested through the 5 Star app will remain in the second period classroom and engage in the Intervention Slides Activity, SSR, class assignments, study, or a variety of ACADEMICALLY PRODUCTIVE activities.
Please check out our Saturday School Sessions for Make Up Saturdays, Intervention, and Enrichment opportunities. There will be many opportunities coming in the fall semester. We advise that you check the intervention calendar frequently.