Every Child at School, Every DAY!

  • Regular attendance is an important indicator of school success.  We respect the importance of quality instruction time. Students should be on time and ready to learn.  

    Promptness to class is extremely important. Students are to be in their seats and ready to learn for instruction when the final bell sounds at 8:50. Interruptions due to tardiness take away from learning time and are disruptive to the class. Tardy students are to report to the office as soon as they arrive at school. Three tardies is equal to one truancy. Students who are truant or habitually absent (more than five days) will be referred to the School Attendance Review Board.

    Consistent attendance is essential to your child’s educational progress; therefore, absences should be kept to a minimum.  (Please remember that much of what your child learns at school comes directly from one to one contact with the teacher and classmates. It cannot be duplicated on a piece of paper.) If your child must be absent, please call the absence line at (951) 296-3799. For your convenience, this phone is operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    Students who do not miss any part of the school day are recognized each year for “Perfect Attendance.”