PTSA Membership now available on-line at Join PTSA. Envelopes are available at the TMS front office during school hours.
Membership in PTSA
The annual TMS PTSA Membership Campaign begins in late summer around the beginning of the school year (usually at TMS schedule pick-up) through late October/early November. During that time we try to offer incentives and prizes (often donated by local businesses) to students, parents and staff for joining our organization. But, even if you missed our membership drive, it's never too late to join our PTSA! Please don't hesitate to Jen Dutton if you would like to join — anytime!
Did you Know?
That because of the size of the PTA organization, National PTA is able to partner with businesses and negotiate special discounts, fundraising opportunities, and other valuable benefits exclusively for PTA members nationwide. Find out more about EXCLUSIVE MEMBERS-ONLY BENEFITS & PERKS that come with joining PTA at the CALIFORNIA STATE PTA WEBSITE and the NATIONAL PTA WEBSITE.
What is PTA/PTSA? Why Join?
The number one reason to join our Parent Teacher Student Association is to benefit your child. In doing so, you also help your school. But there are many more advantages:
Get Connected.
There is no better way to know what's happening in your school.
Discover Great Resources.
PTA/PTSA offers a variety of programs designed for parents as well as students.
Tap into a Network.
PTA/PTSA functions are opportunities to meet other parents and teachers, building our community and discussing issues that are on your mind. You can share ideas, concerns, and experiences.
Watch Yourself Grow.
By volunteering, you put your skills and hobbies to use for a noble cause - your child and ALL children in our school community.
Speak Up.
PTA/PTSA can be a way for you to more effectively suggest change at your child's school.
Witness Improvement.
By getting involved at your child's school you'll be part of the solution, helping make positive changes. Local PTA/PTSAs play an important role in fundraising to provide building improvements, curriculum-based programs, and social events.
Be a Role Model.
By becoming a PTA/PTSA member, you'll be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education.
Enjoy Substantial Benefits.
Individuals and local units can take advantage of a host of benefits from PTA/PTSA membership including discounts and offers from member benefits providers and sponsors, magazine subscriptions, leadership training, e-newsletters and much more.
TMS PTSA 2023/24 Executive Board & Chairpersons
President - Luke Wilson
1st VP Programs - Vacant
2nd VP Membership - Vacant
3rd VP Ways & Means - Whitney McGrew
Recording Secretary - Diana Wilson
Treasurer - Arjan Dhaliwal
Auditor - PVC PTA
Historian - Vacant
Hospitality - Vacant
Parent Volunteer Coordinator - Vacant
Parliamentarian - Vacant
Reflections Student Arts Program - Vacant
Student Store Coorindator - Vacant
Website Coordinator - Vacant
Any members of the PTSA Executive Board and Chairpersons can be reached via email at tmsptsabobcats@gmail.com.
If you are interested in being considered for a VACANT board or chairman position serving on a committee or volunteering to help with on-campus events, please contact the TMS PTSA President. You do not always have to attend monthly meetings to participate, but if you'd like to join us, we'd love to have you.